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Bernd Schnell

Founder & General Manager 

Schnell Consult GmbH

At the age of 18, Bernd Schnell established his first business while studying economics in Giessen and Frankfurt. In 1989, he founded jointly with Otto Schött the “S&S Marketing and Engineering GmbH“ financed by venture capital, a distribution company for specialized computer trade with a sales volume of roughly € 15,3 mio. during the first business year. After four years, S&S yielded already a turnover of some € 130 mio.. In 1990, the subsidiary “Gericom“ was founded in Austria and made an IPO in 2000. In 1998, the IVC Venture Capital AG finally emerged from a business angel activity. In the 32 IVC portfolio companies more than 250 mio. € were invested. In 2000 IVC was the VC of the year in Germany. In 2003, he founded jointly with Otto Schött the “jetzthaus GmbH“ GmbH“ and started the Schnell Consult GmbH with the focus of strategic consulting and private investments. 

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Jochen Schnell
Prof. Dr. Till Dannewald
Kerstin Schnell

Founder & General Manager

Schnell Consult Pforzheim GmbH 

  • Langjährige Erfahrung in Unternehmensführung im Einzel- und Großhandel und in den Ressorts Finanzen/Controlling, Personal, Logistik, Vertrieb, Einkauf und Marketing, davon über 20 Jahre in der Sportbranche

  • Tätigkeit in mittelständischen Unternehmen und internationalen Konzernen

  • Strategisches und operatives Management

  • Sowohl Durchführung von wirksamen und nachhaltigen Kostensenkungsprojekten mit dem Fokus auf langfristige Effizienzsteigerung als auch von Wachstumsprojekten (Expansion, Weiterentwicklung von Geschäftsfeldern, M&A)

  • Akzeptanz und Anerkennung durch nachhaltige und langfristige Erfolge bei der Realisierung von Wachstumspotenzialen, Cost Cutting, Turn-Arounds und Outsourcing. 

  • Expertenwissen im Bereich Strategieentwicklung und-umsetzung, Change Management



Till is currently a member of the Marketing and Channel Management Group at the Georg-August-University Göttingen (main filed of application: quantitative marketing). He has more than 15 years of experience in the implementation of Business Intelligence solutions in various industries (especially automotive, pharmaceutical and retail). Besides a diploma in economics from the University of Regensburg Till holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and Statistics from the Humboldt-University of Berlin. His main competences are in the areas of Business Intelligence / Analytics, Big Data and the application of Advanced Quantitative Research Methods. At Schnell Consult Till serves as external consultant. 

Since 2008 workin in the Backoffice 

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